The colder months are drying on the skin, exposure to the elements and lower humidity are the main attributes until you get indoors and turn on the heat. Additional dehydrating occurs due to people not keeping up their liquid intake as they would in summer.
As dryness occurs our skin starts to shrink and dry. This causes itchiness and in more severe cases will cause the skin to crack. For many this can inflame their eczema.
Bathe in lukewarm water and avoid long hot showers, as this will dry skin even more by washing away natural oils.
Use gentle sponges so as not to aggravate the skin or cause itching. After bathing, gently pat dry your skin with a soft towel, do not rub.
Apply a moisturiser within 3 minutes of drying to ensure you ‘lock in’ the moisture. Reapplying moisturiser after washing your hands and before bed will get you through the night.
Avoid wearing wool or other materials that tend to itch; natural fabrics like cotton are gentler on the skin.
Do not avoid going outside, staying indoors in unnatural heat will only add to your dehydration. Fresh air never hurt anyone, just remember to moisturise before you head outside.
Available in 100ml |
As always natural is always better so avoid harsh ingredients such as Artificial/Synthetic Perfume, Colouring, SLS, SLES and Sulphates, Parabens and other Harsh Preservative.
Carla Riva Baby Soothing Crème was designed specifically for the colder months. Containing shea butter, aloe vera, vitamin E, calendula and mandarin for their soothing and healing properties, it will give you and your baby’s delicate and sensitive skin extra protection from the extreme elements.
As an alternative Carla Riva Organics Baby Nourishing Crème is the certified organic version. Containing 87.5% certified organic ingredients this crème is a special blend of gentle and aroma therapeutic ingredients that aids in the repair of damaged skin and generates new skin growth.
The high moisturising properties with added richness for extreme climates gently glide on baby’s delicate skin creating a perfect moment in time to bond with baby.
For more information please go to
Printed with the permission of the Eczema Association of Australasia Inc (see below), they have recommended the following ways to manage eczema.
There are a number of ways in which you can cut down the possibility of triggering or aggravating the eczema for both children and adults. Following is a quick checklist:
- Wear cotton next to the skin - this helps to reduce sweating which can be an irritant. Cut tags off clothing and wash before wearing. Synthetic or woollen clothes and bedding can cause over-heating.
- Bathe or shower in lukewarm water using soap-substitutes and mild shampoos.
- After bathing or showering, pat skin dry and apply a suitable moisturising cream or ointment.
- Use hypoallergenic products and avoid anything perfumed.
- Keep fingernails short to prevent scratching from breaking the skin and wear cotton mitts or gloves at night.
- People with atopic eczema may be allergic to wool, dust, dust mites, grass seeds, pollens, feathers, animal fur and dander - keep pets outside and remove wool carpets.
- Use non-biological soap powders and detergents.
- Take antihistamines at night to aid in reducing the itchiness and help with sleep.
- Do not embark on a diet without consultation with your doctor or dietician. Food additives are the most likely to cause problems, particularly artificial colourings and preservatives.
- Over-heating, frosty weather, low humidity, dry air, central heating, air conditioning and car heaters can all aggravate a dry skin and eczema. Use a humidifier in dry or heated rooms to keep the air moist.
- Get to know your own or your child's triggers. What sparks off one person's eczema doesn't necessarily trigger another's.
- The byword with eczema treatment is to act promptly. If it suddenly flares up, don't ignore it. Remember that eczema can become infected.
- Develop and maintain a skin routine, which takes into account triggers and the best way of coping with flare-ups. Your Health professional can assist with this.
- Children and adults, experience emotional stress which can play a large role in triggering a flare-up of eczema or aggravating the current condition. No one can get rid of stress in their lives, but we can learn how to handle it more effectively.
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